Friday, March 9, 2012

If you're tossing and turning at night, it's probably because you're too hot.

Did you know that if you're tossing and turning at night, it's probably because you're too hot?

Our bodies naturally rise in temperature during the day and then cool down overnight. But if you've got the central heating whacked up, or even at a comfortably warm 21 degrees, your bedroom will begin to feel hot and you'll become restless, thrashing about as you try to cool down.

The ideal bedroom room temperature is 16 degrees, so that you can lose temperature out of your head, whilst under the covers, a cosy 29 degrees is ideal.

A warm body and a cool head makes perfect sense to me...

Top tip for a great night's sleep: Keep your bedroom cool by turning off the radiator in the evening and by opening a window.

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