everyone knows the importance of exercise on our health and productivity levels; including companies who have harnessed that knowledge and provided gyms or at
least gym subsidies for their employees.

But could sleeping become the new working out? In
the US ‘Nap Rooms’ are becoming the latest phenomenon in businesses as big as
Google, Nike and The Huffington Post.
Companies are right to look at their
workers’ sleep patterns according to Dr Irshaad Ebrahim, from the London Sleep
Centre. Sleep is ‘as crucial as our diet,
our mental well-being and our physical health’. Lack of sleep affects
levels of concentration, our learning and problem solving capabilities and can
make us prone to swings in temper and depression.
is it up to an employer to make sure its employees are well rested or should
individuals be taking the responsibility for their own sleep?
Either way - until your company jumps on the power nap bandwagon - check out some of our products here at The Snoozery and see if we can't help you on your way to some more restful nights and some consequentially more productive days!
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